Labels:bulletin board | monitor | plant | sky | vegetarianism | window OCR: THE STRONGEST BANKS JNYOUR STATE Thesc 97 banks arc the largest in each state that meet the: it had none To qualify. banks had to rank high on profitabil stringent Blue Ribbon safety criteria dey hy the Veribanc ity, loan quality, capitai land 10 other factors. Since the banks bank rating service With four exceptions, we list two institu- are very conservative, their savings tates tend 10 be little bet tions per state; Hawaii. Idaho and Rhode Island had only ter than average. However no Bluc Ribbon bank has cver one Blue Ribbon bank each and Arizona is omitted because failed in the 11 years Veribanc has compilcd the list COyelds Strte Bank [city] Telephore yleld First t'Alabame Baink TMontoumery 205 832.9333 2.799 3.38% 3.75% 600% First Nationul Bank (Florence) 205 767-8400 3.51 3.50 3.75 ...